As an instructor for First Day Complete, any courses that are using digital courseware materials, will need to include a Course Materials link in Jenzabar so that students can access their materials. If the Course Materials link has not already been added by your Admin, please follow the instructions below for setup. (Note: Your LMS may have slight variations in these steps or naming.)
Setup for “Course Materials” Link
- Navigate to the desired course and in the left-hand navigation bar, click on “Coursework.”
- Locate the “Add an Assignment” and click to add “Basic” assignment.
- Complete the basic assignment settings.
- Locate “Step 2,” find the drop-down bar named, “The learning tool for this assignment is:” select “Course Materials.”
- Click the “Save your assignment” button located at the bottom of the page.
- Repeat these steps for any additional unit assignments that require the course materials link.
Setup Course Materials Link Tutorial
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