As an instructor for First Day Complete, any courses that are using digital courseware materials, will need to include a Course Materials link in Canvas so that students can access their materials. If the Course Materials link has not already been added by your Admin, please follow the instructions below for setup. (Note: Your LMS may have slight variations in these steps or naming.)
Setup for “Course Materials” Link
- Log into Canvas with your instructor username and password and navigate to the course that requires the Course Materials link.
- Click Settings from the left-hand navigation.
- If Settings is not available, make sure that you are in the course as a teacher. Once you are, Settings will appear.
- Click the Navigation tab, and scroll down to the hidden items, at the bottom of the list.
- Look for Course Materials in the list.
- Click and hold Course Materials and drag it up to the list of active navigation links.
- If the Purchase Course Materials link is an active navigation link, select it and drag it down to the hidden items, to prevent student confusion for this course only.
- Click Save.
- The Course Materials link will now be available in the left-hand navigation of your course. You may have to refresh your window to see it.
- Repeat these steps any additional sections that require the Course Materials link.
Setup Course Materials Link Tutorial
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