- Log into Blackboard with your username and password.
- At the top right-hand corner, click the down arrow next to your name.
- Click Settings, then select Personal Information.
- Choose Edit Personal Information.
- Under Personal Information, enter your correct university email address in the Email text box, and click Submit.
- Return to your course and try the Course Materials link again.
- Log into Canvas with your username and password.
- To the left of your Dashboard, click Account.
- Click Settings.
- Under “Ways to Contact,” click + Email Address.
- In the Register Communication window, enter your email address and click Register Email.
- A message will appear, asking you to confirm your email address.
- Go to your email inbox and open the message from Canvas (Instructure). Confirm your email.
- Return to your course and try the Course Materials link again.
- Log into Moodle with your username and password.
- Click the arrow next to your name at the top of the page.
- Click Profile.
- In the User Details item, click Edit Profile.
- Enter your email address, and click Update Profile.
- Return to your course and try the Course Materials link again.
- Log into D2L / Brightspace with your username and password.
- Click on your name at the top-right corner of the page.
- Click Account Settings.
- Under General Settings, click Change Email.
- In the Change Email pop-up, enter your D2L password.
- Then, enter your email address and click Save.
- Return to your course and try the Course Materials link again.
- Log into Sakai with your username and password.
- Click on your name / the icon at the top of the page.
- Click Profile.
- Under the Contact Information tab, hover over Contact Information and click Edit.
- Enter your email address and click Save changes.
- Return to your course and try the Course Materials link again.
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