2 – 4 Weeks Before Class Starts
- Ensure that the Barnes & Noble College Course Materials link is installed in your First Day course(s) so students can access their course materials. If your LMS Admin did not install for you, please follow the instructions for your LMS at the links below:
- Once added, click the link so the course can be mapped to show the right materials. If you receive the message “No materials are associated to this course.” this means the mapping hasn’t completed yet – refresh and try again after ten minutes to ensure it is mapped, if not, contact your Bookstore Manager.
- If using a publisher courseware product (i.e. MyLab, Connect, MindTap) be sure you have completed the course setup/pairing. Contact your publisher representative for assistance.
Merged courses can cause student access issues. If you are merging your courses within Canvas, please let your bookstore manager know ASAP. |
2 Weeks Before Class Starts
- Ensure messaging is added to your syllabus and LMS course describing the program and the benefits. For sample messaging, click here.
- Share the Student Flyer with your students electronically in email, your LMS, and/or syllabus, or printed on the first day of class.
First Day of Class
- Let students know about this program that will save them money on their course materials!
- Ensure students know that they can opt-out within the LMS using the Course Materials link
- Ensure students have popup blockers turned off in the LMS and have cookies enabled, direct them here for details:
- Direct any student concerns or questions to the Barnes & Noble College Customer Care team and provide students the Customer Care Contact Information:
- Link to Customer Care website and FAQs: https://tinyurl.com/firstdayfaq
- Open a ticket Online for the Customer Care team: https://tinyurl.com/customercarerequest
- Email the Customer Care team: bookstorecustomercare@bncollege.com
- Call the Customer Care team: 1-844-9-EBOOKS (1-844-932-6657)
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